Recycled Title: The Rebirth of Common Sense
I believe that the people of Monticello have, without even noticing, witnessed a rebirth of common sense. It seems to me that some of our leaders have finally decided that they will not go like sheep to the slaughter. They have requested what we call "information" before they make a decision concerning extending the tax issue. I must say, good for them. It is nice to know that I am not the only who worries about spending money on something when I don't even know what it is going to look like and no one can show me or tell me. Interestingly enough, no one is really sure how much it will cost either. Some say ten million, some say twelve. It doesn't matter what they say now because we are in wartime. Prices during wartime have a tendancy to rise and then rise some more. You don't build in wartime unless you are homeless. The price of steel is through the roof, lumber and other building materials as well. Copper is on the moon, and you need copper to make the wire to bring electricity through the building. Now, I will admit that an end to the war is not in sight, I don't care what anyone says, so maybe we need to just pull back on the reigns a bit and show some restraint. If we don't get industry and jobs here, and I don't mean Subway and Pizza Hut, real paying jobs and industry, who will be able to afford to pay a membership fee? First thing is first, Monticello is already on it's way to being a fifty fast food joint ghost town, lets secure our people opportunities and assure that they have a desire to stay here before we give them more to pay for. I mean maybe it is just me. Who knows?
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