Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ahh To Be Young.

I am sitting here watching a game of darts. Now I know you are saying to yourself, "why would anyone watch darts?" Believe it or not it is rather interesting even if I don't understand exactly what is going on. There are two lanes and four people and I can only assume they accumulate points between the two of members of the team. The interesting thing is that is good clean fun. That is something that you do not see very often anymore. People walk by outside and look in and they see good clean fun happening and they don't exactly know what to do or say. You can see it in their eyes. I am witnessing teenagers and adults playing darts with each other and having fun. Can it be possible. Is it voodoo. I must continue to investigate. After many years in the media I have become a student of everything around me. I watch people and their reactions to what is going on around them and how they react to different situations that they encounter. This is what I live for. For the record, I don't get out of the house much as many of you already know. I suppose this is my first adventure out in several weeks. Feels pretty good actually.

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