Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I am on a quest. Yes on a quest to discover what religion I am. Yes I believe in God and Jesus. Yes I believe in the Bible. Let me give you some background. I was "raised up" in church. I went to church at Second Baptist one weekend and the Church of Christ the next weekend. So what I guess I am saying is that I believe I am the only one going to heaven and when I get to heaven there is going to be a potluck in the fellowship hall after the morning service. Really, I don't know. I have been to a few churches since I moved back here, but I haven't found a church "home". I am neither Baptist nor Church of Christ or anything else that I can see and it is really beginning to bother me that I do not have a denomination to call myself. Of course I have only attended services anywhere twice in two years so I also must wonder how hard am I really looking? I would like to be a part of a church family. I have no friends here or anyone that I know really well. I left my cell phone at home by accident when I went out of town this weekend and did not miss one call. How sad is that? The interesting thing is the difference in churches from when I was young to now. I live right beside a church. It is twenty feet away. Now when I was young if someone new moved in to the neighborhood near the church usually someone came over and invited you. I am not saying that I will go but it is the principal of the thing. Have religious leaders become as complacent as our political leaders? Are they happy with things the way they are? Or, are there just so many people that need a religious "talkin to" that they just haven't gotten around to me yet? Probably a little bit of all of it I suppose.

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