Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This Is The Whole Thing..... This Right Here.

I am unsure really how to begin this post but I am feeling rather misunderstood. 

I am being told that I hate Monticello. That my opinions are dangerous, subversive, and who knows what else. It is time to set some things straight.

I do not believe that the leaders of the "pro tax" stance are bad people. I do however believe they have a bad idea. Let me give you an example.

I will walk into a local bank at nine a.m. tomorrow. I will walk directly to the nearest loan officer and introduce myself. I will the tell that loan officer that I would like he or she to loan me lets say 1 million dollars. When he or she asks me what I want the loan for, I will tell her or him, that I really don't have a plan for the money, I just think I may need it someday. What are my chances? I would say my chances are few.

Tomorrow, a small rural fire department will send a grant proposal to our representatives in the capitol. On the line stating what the grant will be used for they write that they have no specific plan for the money, but someday they may want to improve something. What are their chances?

It is that simple. Those simple examples explain everything. These are the same people that are asking you to give them millions of dollars and then are getting angry when someone asks what it will be used for. What plan is there to make things better?

I AM NOT AGAINST A TAX!!!!!!! I am against the bad ideas of a few, that could cause suffering of the many. Notice that I did not say "will cause" but "could cause". The question you must ask yourself is that are you willing to take that chance?

The amazing thing is the personal attacks against me and others who do not agree with the tax. I received a comment today in which I was called an idiot, fat, aggressive, and it was implied that I was unemployed. A note to the "pro-tax" people. It only takes one person reading comments like are being left on my site and others, and that one person realizing that the last ditch effort in any argument is for the side that feels it is losing, or feels that it cannot defend its position on an issue, is to get personal and you are done. They will assume you are desperate and grasping for straws and you will get nowhere. Educate and control your people. If the only argument that you can come up with this early in the game is that I am a fat, aggressive, idiot..... your chances of pulling off a win here are slim.

This is an open invitation to any leader from the "pro-tax" viewpoint, change my mind. Come to my home, you are welcome. We will discuss this issue. Come as a group, feel free. I would post my address but then the "LOBC" (league of belligerent commentors) would beat you here. I am not hard to find, and many of you know who to ask. Now, this invitation does not apply to belligerent nut-jobs, just real people with real discussions. If you see me out and about please feel free to stop and talk. I don't dislike you, I dislike your idea, and that's the long and short of it. Change my mind. Also, let me state for the record, that if you do stop by or we do talk, it will not be spoken about on this site or any other, it will be between us. If you honestly can convince me that the "no-plan" idea is a good one, I will dedicate this site to passing the tax. 

There it is, in writing, my opinions, my true feelings. I am sure for some of you this cleared up many things. I am sure for some of you it did nothing but enrage you more. And by the way, can you think of a better way to help make things better for everyone than allowing open and healthy discussion on an important issue such as this? The only problem is that I am having a hard time finding the "open" or "healthy" part in these discussions. Of course I am an idiot, so what do I know anyway.

P.S. All comments are welcome. All will be posted, the only editing will be for vulgar or abusive language towards others. Abuse me all you want, I am used to it.

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