Sunday, April 1, 2007

On Citizenship....

“Democracy is the worst form of government ever attempted in the world. The only exceptions to this are all of the other ones ever attempted.” This quote from Winston Churchill is a volume, a novel of citizenship wrapped into a single sentence. But what does it say?

It is lost on the citizen of today the importance and the value of what his responsibilities are. A Great example is Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin, and others before and after him, risked their very lives to give us what we have today. I speak not of soldiers, wars, and battles. What we are discussing here and now is the actual risk they took. Back in 1776 the very breath of splitting from England, was considered treason and punishable by death. Yes folks, DEATH. No trial, no appeal, no mercy. Now Benjamin Franklin, a patriot yes, a scholar yes, but not a citizen. Benjamin Franklin, and others, risked their lives in the mere hope of citizenship, the mere hope of building something that would live on past themselves and their namesakes. Now for himself and others to risk so much for something that they knew from the beginning was so horribly flawed is at the least remarkable. Democracy. Now as the reapers of the rewards of those risks, what are our responsibilities as citizens? There is only one. It is our duty, our responsibility, to question the leaders that we have chosen. Democracy is a form of government that allows us to put in place people to make decisions under our scrutiny and our direction. It is our duty. It is the building block of our system of government. Why don’t we? I think all citizens have lost the purpose for our elected officials. Our elected officials were never meant to be the leaders! Their sole responsibility as elected officials, is to be our voice in the dark. Their sole responsibility is to yell above the crowd, and say WE ARE CITIZENS AND WE SHALL BE HEARD!!!!! If you are not questioning your elected representatives, and I do not mean in your mind, or among yourselves. I mean walking directly to your officials and asking them WHY, then you are not a citizen. Your duties and responsibilities are few, and in the technological world of today with cars, telephones, computers, so on....these responsibilities are easy to full-fill. And remember something else very important. When you ask WHY it is those officials duty, and responsibility to tell you why. Do not be afraid. We are the leaders, they are our voice. It is time for all of us, to lead. It is time once again for our voices to speak for us.

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