Sunday, January 28, 2007

When seasons Change:

When we ponder the difference between the seasons of our planet we must at some time realize that they are not unlike the seasons of ourselves. Summer coming on fast, one day the temperature is mild, almost pleasant and the next burning like the youth of the early teen, passion and indecision rule us. Winter with its bitterness and hate of the colors of what we are bleaches the landscape of our lives in dull brown hues making everything look alike. Fall coloring our lives in the richest of God’s majesty as if giving us memories in which to fill our time, lest we forget what life really looks like. Spring, creeping, stealthy, but none the less a miracle. Everything destroyed, everything forgotten becomes new again. Our minds fill with wonder as we are lifted into our youth once again and we remember a time when we too experienced everything for the first time. I suppose that at some times in our lives we have all experienced these feelings, these-----seasons in one way or another. In our own way we all see them differently I am sure. In the bitter of winter I find once again a change of seasons. I have seen a hint of color in the dull hues of the cold but it, as many things often are, was fleeting. Now I am left to wonder whether or not spring is bringing on itself or will I have to search it out this time. I am not sure what season I am in right now. I see light, I see color, but I feel the cold and I wonder where the road is taking me, but that does not stop me from traveling

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