Sunday, December 31, 2006

Theoretical Downhill Crap Running

I have been watching a discussion on the grocery tax this morning and reading some opinions and have discovered that I am against repealing the grocery tax. If you have no clue what I am speaking of please let me there is too much....let me sum up. The winning candidate for Governor this year plans to repeal Arkansas' grocery tax. It is the six percent state tax that every Arkansan pays at the grocery store before local taxes are added and so on and so on. Let me explain my position which has a few valid points. Number One: Your grocery bill will not be smaller. How is this possible you say? Do you think that Wal-Mart, Hoggly Woggly, or anyone else is going to pass the chance to increase grocery prices five to six percent without you noticing. I doubt it. Number Two: It is the only fair tax in the world. Rich pay the same, poor pay the same, everybody pays the same amount. Please tell me if you can think of another tax that no matter how much or little you make everyone pays the same amount. It's fair. Number Three: Where is the revenue the state gets from groceries going to come from now? We currently have a budget surplus in our state and our soon to be new Governor seems to think that it will last forever,WRONG!!! In a year or so when the price of your hunting and or fishing license goes up and the price of state permits for land leases and personal property taxes increase and you notice that suddenly you are not getting any money back from the state at tax time anymore call me and I will come to your house and personally tell you I told you so. Number Four: You will lose money in the long run. When there is no revenue to fix roads you can't dodge every pothole so you buy tires which includes a fee that you are charged by the retailer to dispose of the tires (which comes from the state charging them for the luxury of taking your worn out tires), that fee will increase. The state gives grants to rural communities for fire departments, those grants will decrease less rural fire departments will be established and insurance rates that have been on the decline because of the creation of fire departments closer to rural residents will begin to increase again, and so on and so forth. Folks, crap runs downhill and if you haven't noticed lately you the consumer are not only at the bottom of that hill but you are in a open hole at the bottom of that hill. Get ready the crap is going to be joining you in the hole very soon.

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