A Diversion by Subversion
Well many things have been going on in my life lately and I apologize for not writing as often but I felt I needed a diversion from everything tonight so here I am with a little Diversion by Subversion.
You probably wonder what that means. Well I have been called subversive. Yes little ole me is basically a traitor. I have given away secrets to the enemy. What secrets you ask? Knowledge. Who is the enemy? You are.
Now first let me apologize for something. I coined a new word several weeks ago and it has ruffled some feathers. I invented the acronym LERG, for League of Extraordinarily Rich Gentlemen. It has ruffled a few feathers. I will explain.
I have received complaints that not everyone who is for the tax is rich. Gotcha
I have received complaints that not everyone who is for the tax is male. Point taken.
I will get back to this in a moment.
I must say I am disappointed in our local paper for their obvious lack of ethical reporting. They too have swayed to the advertisers which are the people who want the tax more than anyone else. Banks, etc. etc., of course that is obvious so I'm not telling you anything you can't figure out, just look at the advertisements.
So now back to the League.
I was told by my Honors English teacher many years ago that your ability to recognize sarcasm is a direct reflection of your intelligence. I believe that statement. Many others do too. So I wonder what it says when the people who will be spending your money can't recognize it when it slaps them in the face. What does that say to me? It says to me that the rich and poor, male and female, people who cannot recognize sarcasm are spending your money.
Now to the Mayors letter to the editor. It states that we should listen to the paper and no one else for information on the tax. The problem is that if people really read the paper and believe them the tax will not pass. The newspaper shows that money has been spent on day to day operations and expenses and not on really improving anything. Way to prove my point Advance, and thank you again.
I find it interesting that the pro tax crowd have not picked on the facts of my posts. I know very well that the letter to the editor from the Mayor was talking about me when he said "other sources", but no one can come up with one specific instance when I was untruthful or inaccurate in my statements. Heck, the newspaper has done a wonderful job of showing how poorly your money was spent. It also shows how much money is going to entities of the city that have the same job. Why are we funding the MEDC and the Chamber of Commerce and their jobs are basically the same thing. How is it that we gave 45,000 dollars to the animal shelter and every week they are asking for donations of food and houses and selling televisions to finance their operation? The newspaper is proving many points for me.
So to the men and women, the poor and the rich that have a problem with the acronym LERG. Build a bridge and get over it. But I must in the interest of fairness come up with an acronym that includes everyone. So here are the choices I will let my readers choose.
1. Pro-taxers no factsers.
2. League of Extraordinarily Middle to Upper Class Gentlepersons.
3. League of Non Sarcasm Recognizing Economic Class Encompassing Gender Non Specific Social Upstarts.
Do not call me subversive because I ask questions. Do not ever tell me I don't love Monticello, you upper class Donald Trump wannabe's, just because you have built your castle's on the sand and are slowly watching them slide into the sink hole that is your own lack of fiscal responsibility. If you love Monticello so much how can you not listen to it's residents. I live here, I will pay the tax if it passes, why am I not allowed to speak about it? And YES THIS IS A NEW TAX!!!!!!!! I don't care what anyone else says including the Mayor. If the old tax runs out, and another takes its place, that replacement is a NEW TAX. If I run out of bread and go get more is it the same bread? Just because you strategically replace the word "old" with "existing" so as to avoid the old/new designation does not change anything. If my "EXISTING" loaf of bread runs out I will go to the store and buy a "NEW" loaf of freaking bread. You must think we are all idiots.
Oh, by the way, One reason I have not been blogging is because I was giving the pro-tax crowd the opportunity to take me up on my challenge. I challenged any Pro-taxer to debate me one on one in private or otherwise and convince me the tax was a good thing without fear of it being mentioned here. To date--------no takers. I find it interesting that the pro taxers feel that this site is enough of a threat to tell you not to listen to me, but when the opportunity was given to sway my opinion and use this site to push their issue........ silence.
In closing, the funniest part of all of this. I never went in to this thinking the tax would not pass. I never thought I could affect it in any way. I am still not sure that I have. I went into this for three reasons.
1. To expose who really runs things around here.
2. Because I truly believe what I have been saying and the questions I have been asking deserve to be heard.
3. Because not only is it my right, it is my duty as a citizen of this community to ask these questions and make these statements.
Well I have accomplished all three. Want to know who runs things. Look where the signs are posted for the tax, and who paid for the advertisements in the newspaper pushing the tax.
I still believe these questions should be addressed but they never have and never will be. (people are to busy pouting and getting red in the face)
And I believe I have done my duty.
Oh and one more reason I did this....... for fun. I don't care if this thing passes or not.
I accomplished my goals, have you?